Which of the following arcs is longer?


Also can you explain what an arc is? Thank You!


Its C.

1: D

2: A
3: D
4: A
5: C
I got 100% if you are with Connexus!

I also got 100% Connexus: Geometry: Circles!!!

To determine which of the following arcs is longer, you need to have some additional information or context. An arc is a segment of a curve, typically a segment of a circle. However, without knowing the specific circle or the measurements of the arcs, it is not possible to compare their lengths.

If you know the measurements of the angles or radii associated with the arcs, you can use the formula for the length of an arc, which is determined by the central angle and the radius of the circle. The formula for the length of an arc is:

Arc Length = (θ/360) * 2π * r

- θ is the central angle (in degrees) of the arc
- r is the radius of the circle

If you have the measurements for the central angles and radii of the arcs NR, NRS, NST, and NP, you can plug them into the formula above and calculate their lengths. Comparing these calculated lengths will then allow you to determine which arc is longer.

Please note that without specific measurements or angles, it is not possible to provide an answer to your question.