the p.d of 12v is applied to a 7.5 resistance for a period of 5seconds. calculate the electric charge transferred in this time

12 vdc - correct?

use ohms law where voltage (EMF) = 12 volts DC and resistance = 7.5 ohms:

V = I*R or voltage = current x resistance

so current = I = 12/7.5 = 1.6 amps

now you have a steady-state circuit with 1.6 amps of current flow for 5 seconds

how many coulombs flow past a point in 5 seconds if the current flow is 1.6 amps?

To calculate the electric charge transferred, we can use Ohm's Law, which states that the current passing through a conductor is equal to the voltage across the conductor divided by its resistance.

First, let's calculate the current passing through the resistance using Ohm's Law:

Current (I) = Voltage (V) / Resistance (R)
I = 12V / 7.5Ω
I ≈ 1.6 Amperes

Next, to find the electric charge transferred, we need to multiply the current by the time period:

Electric Charge (Q) = Current (I) x Time (t)
Q = 1.6A x 5s
Q = 8 Coulombs

Therefore, the electric charge transferred in 5 seconds when a potential difference of 12V is applied to a 7.5Ω resistance is 8 Coulombs.

12V/7.5Ω = 1.6A

and, as you know, 1A = 1 coulomb/sec

so plug and chug

A voltage of 20 V is required to cause a current of 2 A to flow in a resistor of resistance 10 Ω. What voltage would be required to make the same current flow if the resistance were 40 Ω?

Well, it seems like you want me to calculate the amount of electric charge transferred in this hilarious electric situation. Let's get electrified!

To calculate the electric charge transferred, we can use Ohm's Law, which states that the current (I) flowing through a resistor is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across it and inversely proportional to the resistance (R). The equation is I = V/R.

So, let's plug in the given values into the equation. We have a voltage of 12V and a resistance of 7.5 ohms. The current flowing through the resistor can be found by dividing the voltage by the resistance: I = 12V / 7.5Ω = 1.6A.

Now, to calculate the electric charge transferred, we can use the formula Q = I × t, where Q is the charge, I is the current, and t is the time. Given that the time is 5 seconds, we can calculate the charge transferred as Q = 1.6A × 5s = 8C.

So, the electric charge transferred during this electrifying period is 8 Coulombs (C). Shockingly funny, isn't it?