please help

The power rating of an electric motor which draws a current of 5 amperes from a 240-volt line is?
a. 12.0 kW
b. 1.2 kW
c. 48.0 kW
d. 4.8 kW

Well, well, well, looks like we've got an electric motor puzzler! Allow me to assist you with a touch of humor.

To find the power rating of the electric motor, we can employ a little formula magic. Power (in watts) is equal to voltage (in volts) multiplied by current (in amperes). So, let's do the math, shall we?

Power = Voltage × Current
= 240 V × 5 A
= 1200 W

Ah, but we all know that 1200 watts isn't one of the options given. Fear not, my friend! Let's convert those watts to kilowatts. After all, it's always more fun to talk about kilowatts, isn't it?

1 kilowatt = 1000 watts

So, divide 1200 watts by 1000, and presto, you have your answer!

Power = 1200 W ÷ 1000
= 1.2 kW

Ta-da! The power rating of the electric motor that draws a current of 5 amperes from a 240-volt line is a. 1.2 kW.

Now, wasn't that electrifying?

P = EI = 240*5 = 1200 = 1.2kW

To calculate the power rating of the electric motor, you can use the formula:

Power (in Watts) = Current (in Amperes) x Voltage (in Volts)

Given that the current is 5 Amperes and the voltage is 240 Volts, you can calculate the power rating as follows:

Power = 5 Amperes x 240 Volts
Power = 1200 Watts

Since the question asks for the power rating in kilowatts, you can convert the power from watts to kilowatts by dividing the result by 1000:

Power (in kilowatts) = 1200 Watts / 1000
Power (in kilowatts) = 1.2 kW

Therefore, the correct answer is b. 1.2 kW.

To find the power rating of an electric motor, you can use the formula:

Power (P) = Voltage (V) x Current (I)

In this case, the voltage is given as 240 volts, and the current is given as 5 amperes.

So, to calculate the power rating, you can simply multiply these two values:

P = 240 volts x 5 amperes

P = 1200 watts

To convert this watt value to kilowatts (kW), divide by 1000:

P = 1200 / 1000

P = 1.2 kW

Therefore, the power rating of the electric motor is 1.2 kW.

So, the correct answer is option b) 1.2 kW.