Anita can clean a typical pool in 8 hours. Chao can clean a typical pool in 6 hours. How long should it take Anita and Chao working together to clean a typical pool? I'd like to know how to work out this problem in order to find the answer.

The typical set up for these work problems is

where A and B are how long they can do it by themselves, and t is how long they work together...thus, in our problem...

Multiply by 24 and get
3t + 4t = 24
7t = 24
t = 24/7 hours

im going to fail high school. i dont understand any of this lmao

Unit 6 Rational Expressions and Functions Unit Test Lesson 9 ANSWERS:

1. A -6x²+4x+3
2. D x²+2x+2
3. A 110/x
4. C 1/7+x ;where x=0,-7
5. A 5/7+x ; where x=0,-7
6. B 1/x+6 ; were x= -6,2
7. A x-5; where x= -2
8. D 35/2a³ ; where a=0
9. D (x+2)(2x+1)
10. A x-4/x-1
11. B (x+1)(x+4)/(x-4)
12. D 6t³ - 4t⁵
13. C -3m⁶ -3m⁵ -8m³
14. A -5x-7/x+3
15. B 3x-33/(x+7)(x-2)
16. B 10x+26/(x-3)(x+5)
17. D x = -2
18. B x = 9/2
19. B x = -5,-3
20. B 3.43 hours
21. D about 8.47 hours
22. A direct variation; y = 4x
23. C x = -16

BYE GUYS, HAGS! also hi future students suffering:(

How they got 3t + 4t = 24:

Multiply by 24 and get
Simplify: 24t/8 and 24t/6=
3t + 4t = 24
7t = 24
t = 24/7 hours

thanks deku, of course I saw your comment after I did part one lol.

Hello future students! I'm probably never going to see this again but if I find the answers I'll post them. No cap I don't want you to suffer no more. It's almost over T_T Ur savior has arrived.


I know how you got 24 but how did you get 3 and 4 afterword though?

dang I really could've used these answers on the first part... I made a 60.9 uhhhhgggg! I'm gonna ask for a reset lol.