A visually appealing, detail-oriented analytical image showing a cone depicted in a three-dimensional perspective view. The cone is labeled with a 70-degree vertical angle, represented by a subtle line and arc showing this measurement without using any text. The slant height of 11cm is indicated with a dashed line running up the side of the cone from its base to the tip. Also, a distinct line segment inside the cone from the vertex to the base symbolizes the height that needs to be calculated, making it evident for spectators.

The vertical angle of a cone us 70 degrees and its slant height is 11cm. Calculate the height of the cone

This a trigonometry ratio question .In this case we will use sine tetar.

Since we did not have the opp, we let x represent the opposite
We cross multiply
The final answer is 10.3366cm approximately=10cm
The height is 10cm

draw a diagram of the side view. It should be clear that the height h can be found via

sin70° = h/11

I need this Question to be solved

This is a trigonometry ratio question and according to this we are using the sine titan.

Let x represent the height which is the opp.
X/11=sine 70.
Cross multiply which will provide x=11sine70°.
Approximately my answer is 9.


Someone should please solve this question


The Height of the Cone = 10.3367 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The height of the cone = h
sin 70° = 0.9397

sin 70° = h / 11cm
h = 0.9397 × 11cm
h = 10.3367 cm

The Height of the Cone = h = 10.3367 cm

Sin 70 = x/11

x/11 = 0.9396/1
11 x 0.9396 = 10.3366
Approximately my answer is 10cm.

Your answer of 10cm is close, but not exact. The correct answer is actually 10.3367cm when rounded to 4 decimal places.

To calculate the height of the cone, we can use the slant height and the vertical angle. The slant height is the distance from the tip of the cone to the base along the curved surface.

The vertical angle of a cone is the angle between the slant height and the height of the cone. In this case, the vertical angle is given as 70 degrees.

To find the height, we can use the formula:

height = slant height * sin(vertical angle)

Let's plug in the values:

height = 11 cm * sin(70 degrees)

To find the height, we need to calculate the sine of 70 degrees.

To do that, we can use a scientific calculator or an online calculator. Here's how you can calculate it using a scientific calculator:

1. Make sure your calculator is in degree mode.
2. Enter 70.
3. Press the sin button.

The result will be a decimal value.

Now, let's calculate the height using this value:

height = 11 cm * sin(70 degrees)
height ≈ 11 cm * 0.9397


height ≈ 10.34 cm

So the height of the cone is approximately 10.34 cm.