Which transition word or phrase helps the reader understand the order in which events occurred?

At first, Susie didn't want to go to the party because her friends weren't going. However, she changed her mind and decided to go once she heard there would be a DJ. As a result, she had such a good time and made a new friend.
A. because

B. at first

C. however

D. as a result****

can anyone help me with that question


forget it

For anyone else looking, Its probably "At first."

D. as a result

The transition word or phrase "as a result" is used to indicate the consequence or outcome of a particular event or action. In this case, it helps the reader understand the order in which events occurred. To arrive at this answer, we need to analyze the given sentence structure and identify the transition word or phrase that logically connects the cause (Susie deciding to go to the party) to the effect (her having a good time and making a new friend). By using the transition phrase "as a result," the sentence clearly shows that Susie's decision to go to the party led to a positive outcome.