Create an informative, visually appealing and considerate image that depicts the effects of cystic fibrosis. The image should show symbolic depictions of four elements: an illustration representing skin disorders, a visual cue for absence of pigment, symbols for circulatory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as symbolic illustrations for respiratory and digestive issues. The image should not contain text. Gift it a gentle, educational tone but avoid creating anything that could cause distress or discomfort.

What are the effects of cystic fibrosis? (1 point)

skin disorders

absence of pigment

circulatory and cardiovascular diseases

respiratory and digestive issues

Which statement is the most accurate definition of mutation?(1 point)

A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure of genetic information and cause diseases.

A mutation is a change in DNA that only causes diseases.

A mutation is a change in DNA that only causes survival advantages.

A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure and function of genetic information.

What is the main function of camouflage?(1 point)

Camouflage helps organisms resist diseases.

Camouflage helps organisms find mates.

Camouflage helps organisms blend within their environment.

Camouflage helps organisms gain nutrients in their environment.

A mutation that causes abnormal cell division can result in (1 point)

sickle cell anemia.

clogged arteries.

skin cancer.

cystic fibrosis.

Please help someone this is due today

those were the questions

What are the answers I need them soon

Here's the right answers!



IDK BUT HELP is wrong the answers are


who is wright



@please help you are wrong the answers are





what are the answers please help me I need this

Hey! I did it and got 3/4, but I am able to look back at the right answers. KEEP IN MIND: When giving the right answers, always do the actual answers, not just things like A, B, C, and D. The order of the answers for the quick check is different for almost all of us!

1. What are the effects of cystic fibrosis?
Answer: respiratory and digestive issues
2. Which statement is the most accurate definition of mutation?
Answer: A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure and function of genetic information.
3. What is the main function of camouflage?
Answer: Camouflage helps organisms blend within their environment.
4. A mutation that causes abnormal cell division can result in
Answer: skin cancer.
4/4! <3 Also, please use the Note Guide when doing these! It's in the message board. It will help you a lot more then looking up the answers sometimes. :)

@Someone is right

thank you someone! i had to check my answers and i got them all right :)

Someone is %100 thanks

everyone has different letters.

thx @someone I got 100%

I don’t think most of these peanut brains can read question then answer.

boy : do u wanna be the sun in my life?

girl : awwww :D sure!
boy : ok then stay 92.96 miles away from me ~_~
girl : oh...

No cap that is so true Shrek got the memes

Thank you SOMEONE

thx someone

Q 1's answer is respiratory and digestive issues

Q 2's answer is A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure and function of genetic information.
Q 3's answer is Camouflage helps organisms blend within their environment.
Q 4's answer is skin cancer.

Someone is right.....I'M NOT TELL WHO

Thx Someone

Thanks @someone I got an 100%

thank you @someone

ty someone


lol shrek memes

Y'all the teachers are *among us*

@someone is correct thank you so much

ayo guys make sure to use/post answers in word form like Someone did! the letters will not always be next to the same answer, and are scrambled. one person´s B is another´s C!

also @pls help that's science my dude

Someone is 💯💯💯💯💯CORRECT, thanks so much!!!





thx @someone!!!

Thanks someone!!!!😍

almost all of the answers are mixed lol

@someone is 100% right.

Thank you!


@someone is correct for everything except question one, sorry! <3

@Friend Me On Roblox what's your roblox username so I can friend you's

1:What are the effects of cystic fibrosis? (respiratory and digestive issues)

2:Which statement is the most accurate definition of mutation? (A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure and function of genetic information.)
3:What is the main function of camouflage? (Camouflage helps organisms blend within their environment)
4:A mutation that causes abnormal cell division can result in (skin cancer.)


1.What are the effects of cystic fibrosis?
ANSWER: respiratory and digestive issues
2.Which statement is the most accurate definition of mutation?
ANSWER:A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure and function of genetic information.
3.What is the main function of camouflage?
ANSWER:What is the main function of camouflage?
4.A mutation that causes abnormal cell division can result in
ANSWER: skin cancer

100% right IM NOT LYING

1. Respiratory and digestive issues

2. A mutation is a change in DNA that can change the structure and function of genetic information
3. Camouflage helps organisms blend in with their environment.
4. Skin cancer

These are 100% correct trust me on this 👍👍👍

Ty @somone.

TYSM @ someone i got 100% 4/4 trust @someone

Where is the message board at? I dont got one on mine



if its wrong the too bad.


@someone is correct!