Generate an image representing a wintry environment, with a modern, energy-efficient house designed specifically for such conditions. The house should show various energy-saving features like thick insulated walls, triple-glazed windows, steep slanted roofs for snow slide-off, and solar panels. Broad details that suggest the serious chill of a cold climate should fill the surrounding landscape such as frosted trees, snow-covered ground, and a partially frozen nearby body of water, emphasizing the functionality of the house.

Which statement describes a design factor that should be included in an energy-efficient home built in cold climates?(1 point)

@ImMrBadGuy is wrong, or the answers are changing, here are the correct ones: that include multiple glass layers
2.They transfer thermal energy due to convection.
3.negative side to positive side
4.negative side to positive side

1. Windows that include multiple glass layers

2. They transfer thermal energy due to convection.
3. Negative side to positive side
4. Electric current

4 is electric current, everything else is correct.

1. Windows that include multiple glass layers

2. They transfer thermal energy due to convection.
3. Negative side to positive side
4. Electric current
100% for Connexus
Credit goes to beuh

Thanks, these answers are still 100% correct!

1. Windows that include multiple glass layers
2. They transfer thermal energy due to convection.
3. Negative side to positive side
4. Electric current

Bruh moment plays valorant :)

Yory, Keda and Beuh moment are correct :)

if you could pls give full quick check (for connexus)

pls help fast

thank you XD i got a 100%