Create an image that visually represents the concepts of 'main idea' and 'theme'. Include symbols or metaphors such as a magnifying glass examining a book, representing the search for the main idea, and a light bulb, representing the 'aha' moment when a theme is realized. Additionally, depict a boy learning to play the piano, conveying the themes of honesty and learning from mistakes.

Central Idea and Theme Quick Check

What is a main idea? (1 point)
an action that leads to the main event in a text
a lesson that is not stated in a text
a concept introduced in the middle of a text
a short statement of the main events of a text XXX

What is a theme? (1 point)
the explicit ideas an author shares in a story
the turning point in a story
a message or lesson in a story XXX
a general idea of what has happened in a story

How can the main idea of a text help a reader identify the theme?(1 point)
By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events. XXX
By inferring the main idea of a text, a reader will understand what will happen next in the text.
By identifying the main idea of a text, a reader will find the explicit statement that is the theme.
By determining the main events, a reader can understand what those characters are thinking.

Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Marcus was always boasting about his ability to play the piano. “I’m the best there is!” he’d insist. However, when his music teacher finally insisted that Marcus take a seat on the piano bench and show off his abilities, the truth was revealed. Marcus had no idea how to play the piano! The experience was so embarrassing that Marcus decided to start taking lessons. In time, he actually became as good as he’d told everyone he was. However, no one believed him.

Which statement describes the theme of this paragraph?(1 point)
Hard work always pays great rewards.
Learning new things can be difficult.
A boy does not know how to play the piano.
People are not likely to trust someone who lies. XXX

Are these correct?

It is! I just did this and the answers are correct :)

yeah they are all right

all correct



For my quick check the order of answers was

1B. a short statement of the main events of a text
2A.a message or lesson in a story
3A.By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events.
4B.People are not likely to trust someone who lies.

so yeah all are correct :P

i made the mistake and got 1 right

"Name" is completely correct i got 100%%%%%%

thanks Name

Thank you "Name"



Answers for Connexus students. 4/4 100%

Name is 100% correct

i just took the quick check for connexus i got a 100%

Thank you Name!

Thank you so much, Name! For anyone taking the Central idea and Theme Quick Check in Connexus, go with the answers that @Name gave. They are correct. ☺️

@name is 100% correct!

I looove they way people are so kind here and risk their grades to ensure their answers are 100% right, and ty for the answers!



These questions might be in a different order Just read "Name's answers and they are correct this is only for Connexus user you're welcome friends

@Todoroki’s gurl -w-, its a gamble!


Thank You!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

are these really the Theme Quick Check answers??

It's actually

Just took it and got a 1/4 by following the answer b a a b.
Trust me guys. Just please check your answers and not cheat!

@Anonymos is me guys sorry for not putting in my name.



Central idea or theme quick check

Theme (bc it) expresses a message abt life

this is a unit test


The correct answers are...

1. B: a short statement of the main events of a text
2. C: a message or lesson in a story
3. D: By connecting the main events of the story, a reader can conclude what lesson the author is implying about those events.
4. A: People are not likely to trust someone who lies.

Vicky is correct.

Thx Name is still correct

thx vicky

dont trust @ Mr X, its wrong 1/4

this helped a lot Mr. :) thanks

Need question to all the test not 4 questions all alr