Tanya has a collection of 52 rocks that she wants to put into the display cases. Each display case can hold 8 rocks. Tanya devides to find how many cases she needs

52devided by 8 =64
How many display cases will tanya need?

I nedd answer please

52/8 is certainly not 64

52/8 = 6.5
so, she will need 7 cases

To find out how many display cases Tanya will need, you can divide the total number of rocks she has (52) by the maximum number of rocks each display case can hold (8):

52 ÷ 8 = 6.5

Since you cannot have a fraction of a display case, Tanya will need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, she will need 7 display cases.

To determine how many display cases Tanya will need, you need to divide the total number of rocks (52) by the capacity of each display case (8).

Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Divide 52 by 8: 52 ÷ 8 = 6 remainder 4

When you divide 52 by 8, the quotient is 6 with a remainder of 4. This means that Tanya can completely fill 6 display cases with 8 rocks each, and there will be 4 rocks remaining.

2. Since there are 4 remaining rocks, Tanya needs an additional display case to accommodate them.

Therefore, Tanya will need a total of 7 display cases to accommodate her collection of 52 rocks.