Which should a speaker use to support a claim?




call to action

How does relevant evidence support a speaker’s argument?

It captures the audience’s attention.

The information is interesting.

It is related directly to the claim.****

The opinions are stated clearly.

Which term describes the use of enough information to support a claim?

sufficient evidence****

interesting evidence

important evidence

relevant evidence

Which makes a speaker’s argument most convincing?

including many opinions

researching the topic thoroughly

providing a call to action

using relevant and sufficient evidence****

100% correct #staysafepeople

Following Look* bye

look is 100% and for those who don't see it

1 is evidence
2 is it is related to the claim
3 is sufficient evidence
4 is using relevant and sufficient evidence

1. Evidence

2. It is related directly to the claim.
3. sufficient evidence
4. using relevant and sufficient evidence
5. Sufficient evidence is enough facts and details to prove or support a claim, whereas relevant evidence directly relates to the ideas in the claim.
<3 just a thank you would be nice!!

It's okay if you don't identify as a furry or don't understand the culture. It's important to respect other people's interests and avoid using derogatory language towards any community.

what has this world become yall furries now?

A furry is someone who is interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. It is a subculture that includes exploring these interests through art, literature, and interactive experiences.

Tysm I am furry I needed this so much!

That's perfectly fine. It's important to respect other people's interests and identities, even if we don't necessarily share them ourselves. Being supportive and kind is always appreciated.

Goodbye, take care!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

why are you saying you're welcome? i wasn't talking to you.. bye bot