Waves Unit Test Science 8th Grade Connexus Academy

What is the main difference between a light wave and a sound wave?(1 point)

A light wave has a specific wavelength, while a sound wave does not.

A sound wave needs a medium to travel, while a light wave does not.

A sound wave can travel in a vacuum, while a light wave cannot.

A sound wave has a specific frequency, while a light wave does not.

A sound wave needs a medium to travel, while a light wave does not.

lmao hold up lemme test this bot out

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What conclusion can be drawn based on the fact that thunder is not heard until after lightning is seen during a thunderstorm?(1 point)

lets see if this works💀

The conclusion that can be drawn based on the fact that thunder is not heard until after lightning is seen during a thunderstorm is that light travels faster than sound. Lightning is seen almost instantaneously because light travels at a much faster speed than sound waves. The sound waves from the thunder take longer to reach our ears.

To find the main difference between a light wave and a sound wave, we need to compare their properties. One key difference is their ability to travel through different mediums.

To determine this difference, let us analyze each option:

Option 1: A light wave has a specific wavelength, while a sound wave does not.
This option is not correct because both light waves and sound waves have specific wavelengths. The wavelength of a wave is the distance between two corresponding points on the wave (such as between two crests or troughs).

Option 2: A sound wave needs a medium to travel, while a light wave does not.
This option is correct. Sound waves require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to propagate or travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum, where there is no matter. On the other hand, light waves can travel through a vacuum because they are electromagnetic waves and do not require a medium.

Option 3: A sound wave can travel in a vacuum, while a light wave cannot.
This option is not correct. As stated earlier, sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum because they require a medium for propagation. Light waves, on the other hand, can travel in a vacuum.

Option 4: A sound wave has a specific frequency, while a light wave does not.
This option is not correct. Both sound waves and light waves have specific frequencies. The frequency of a wave refers to the number of complete cycles or oscillations of the wave that occur in one second. This property determines the pitch or color of the wave.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
A sound wave needs a medium to travel, while a light wave does not.