The number of visitors to a museum per hour recorded in one day is 106, 122, 134, 150, 120, 92, 75. What is the mean absolute deviation for this dataset? Round the answer to the nearest tenth.(1 point)






The mean of the dataset is:

(106 + 122 + 134 + 150 + 120 + 92 + 75) / 7 = 114

To find the mean absolute deviation, we first need to find the absolute deviations from the mean:

|106 - 114| = 8
|122 - 114| = 8
|134 - 114| = 20
|150 - 114| = 36
|120 - 114| = 6
|92 - 114| = 22
|75 - 114| = 39

Then, we find the mean of these absolute deviations:

(8 + 8 + 20 + 36 + 6 + 22 + 39) / 7 = 19.8

So the answer is 19.8 (rounded to the nearest tenth).

Therefore, the correct response is:


the correct answer is 114.1 tis will only work if u are in connections acdeamy

Sarina tracks her time spent on homework each night for a week, in minutes. She collects the following times: 51, 60, 25, 15, 20, 5, 35. When she solves for the mean absolute deviation, what number will she use for the divisor?

To find the mean absolute deviation (MAD) for a data set, you need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the mean of the data set. To do this, sum up all the values and divide by the number of values in the data set.
Mean = (106 + 122 + 134 + 150 + 120 + 92 + 75) / 7 = 799 / 7 = 114.14 (rounded to two decimal places)

2. Find the absolute difference between each data point and the mean. To do this, subtract the mean from each data point and take the absolute value. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero.
Absolute differences: |106 - 114.14|, |122 - 114.14|, |134 - 114.14|, |150 - 114.14|, |120 - 114.14|, |92 - 114.14|, |75 - 114.14|
= 8.14, 7.86, 19.86, 35.86, 5.86, 22.14, 39.14 (rounded to two decimal places)

3. Calculate the mean of the absolute differences found in step 2.
MAD = (8.14 + 7.86 + 19.86 + 35.86 + 5.86 + 22.14 + 39.14) / 7
= 138.92 / 7
= 19.84 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the mean absolute deviation for this data set is 19.8 (rounded to the nearest tenth). So the correct response is 19.8.