
Read the excerpt and answer the questions that follow it.
Michael Schuman on Korea's Rise
Over the past decade, however, Korea has reinvented itself-it's an Asian miracle again. Korea has become an innovator, an economy that doesn't just make stuff, but designs and develops products, infuses them with the latest technology, and then brands and markets them worldwide, with style and smarts. Samsung and LG, not the Japanese electronics giants, are dominating the hot new LCD-TV business. In 40 phone technology, Samsung is poised to become a leading force, while Hyundai Motor, an industry joke a decade ago, is a top-five automaker, its rising market share fueled by quality cars and nifty marketing. "Made in Korea' used to be synonymous with cheap and imitative," says Bernie Cho, president of DFSB Kollective, a start- up that markets Korean pop music internationally. "Now it's become premium and
New industries, from online games to pop music, have emerged as powerhouses. Politically as well, Korea is stepping out of Washington's shadow and becoming an influential voice in its own right. Symbolic of that new role, Seoul is hosting the G-20 summit [a meeting of the leaders of 20 of the world's most influential countries] on Nov. 11 and 12, the first Asian country to do so. This nation is a global leader-in- waiting.
Source: Michael Schuman, "Asia's Latest Miracle," Time, November 15, 2010
1. Identify either continuity or change in Korea shown in the excerpt.
2 Explain the cause for the continuity or change identified in the excerpt.

written like a 8th grader and shorten

1. Change in Korea is shown in the excerpt, as the country has reinvented itself and become a global leader in innovation and technology.

2. The cause for this change in Korea is attributed to the country's shift towards designing, developing, branding, and marketing high-quality products with the latest technology. This shift has allowed Korea to move away from being seen as cheap and imitative, to becoming synonymous with premium and innovative products. Additionally, emerging industries such as online games and pop music have also contributed to Korea's rise as a powerhouse in various sectors.