What are the causes and consequences of conflict in Israel and Palestine?

Sentence Starters: One primary cause of conflict in Israel and Palestine is ___. Another factor contributing to the ongoing tensions between Israel and Palestine is ___. The consequences of the conflict in Israel and Palestine ___. For example ___.

One primary cause of conflict in Israel and Palestine is the ongoing disputes over land and borders. Both Israelis and Palestinians claim the same territories, leading to continuous territorial disputes and competition for control.

Another factor contributing to the ongoing tensions between Israel and Palestine is the religious and cultural differences between the two groups. Both sides have deep historical ties to the land and hold strong religious beliefs that contribute to their sense of ownership and entitlement.

The consequences of the conflict in Israel and Palestine are widespread and devastating. Ongoing violence and political instability have led to the loss of lives, destruction of homes and infrastructure, and displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. Additionally, the conflict has created a cycle of retaliation and mistrust between the two sides, making peaceful resolution even more difficult to achieve.

For example, the recent conflict in Gaza in May 2021 resulted in numerous casualties, including children and civilians, as well as widespread destruction of buildings and infrastructure. The international community has condemned the violence and called for a peaceful resolution, but the deep-rooted issues and grievances between Israelis and Palestinians continue to fuel the conflict.