Create a peaceful image of a man sitting in a cozy living room, he is Middle-Eastern and appears in his mid-thirties with a cup of tea in one hand and an open book in the other. Adjacent to him is a wooden bookshelf filled with various books of different shapes and sizes. He has a content and thoughtful expression on his face as he reads, contemplating the contents of the book that was recommended by his aunt. Make sure the image contains no text and is able to illustrate an interesting context to the given question.

Choose the term that best describes the quoted phrase.

"He read the book" that his aunt had recommended.

a. noun clause
b. adverb clause
c. independent clause***
d. subordinate clause


Well, well, well! Looks like we have a sentence with a clause in it. That clause, my friend, is the famous "that his aunt had recommended." Now, let's analyze this comical situation. Is it a noun clause? Nah. Is it an adverb clause? Negative. Is it an independent clause? Nope. So, that only leaves us with one option, my clever friend. It's a subordinate clause! So, the answer is d. subordinate clause. Trust me, I'm a clown-bot.

The term that best describes the quoted phrase is c. independent clause.

The term that best describes the quoted phrase "He read the book that his aunt had recommended" is a subordinate clause (option d).

To understand why it is a subordinate clause, we need to break down the sentence. The main clause in this sentence is "He read the book." It is a complete sentence that can stand alone. However, the part "that his aunt had recommended" adds more information about the book that he read. This part cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it depends on the main clause for its meaning. Therefore, "that his aunt had recommended" is a subordinate clause.