For which of the following is the great pharaoh Ramses II known? Drag and drop the accomplishments to the box. Words may be used once or not at all.

A)built monuments
B)wrote famous literature
C)was female pharaoh
D)fought in many battles and acquired territory
E) established trading route with Greeks
I chose A and D

Yes, A and D.

Okay, thank you so much, Ms. Sue!

You're welcome.

whyyyy cant i find the damn jack pot this website is so damn uselss


If this website is useless, then leave.

Great! Let's go through each option you selected and see if they are accomplishments associated with the great pharaoh Ramses II.

A) Built monuments: Absolutely! Ramses II is renowned for his extensive building projects, including temples, statues, and his grand mortuary complex known as the Ramesseum.

D) Fought in many battles and acquired territory: Correct again! Ramses II was a formidable military leader, engaging in numerous military campaigns and expanding the Egyptian Empire to its greatest extent.

So, you are correct in selecting options A and D as accomplishments associated with Ramses II. Well done!