Create an intriguing image representing the ancient Egyptian epoch with a prominent depiction of the pyramids, and a powerful, unidentified pharaoh who is traditionally dressed. Also incorporate elements of accomplished deeds, such as a scroll to symbolize literature, a sword intertwined with laurels for victories in battles, a territory map in the backdrop to signify territorial expansion, and a caravan of camels carrying trade goods representing trade routes. Make sure there's no text in the image.

for which of the following is a great pharaoh, Ramses, LL known? Drag and drop the accomplishments of the box. Words might be used once or not at all a belt more minutes be wrote famous literature said was female pharaoh Dee Ford in mini battles, an acquired territory de establish trading route with Greeks



Based on the given options, the accomplishments of Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, can be classified as follows:

1. Acquired territory
2. Established trading route with Greeks
3. Won many battles

To determine the accomplishments of the great pharaoh Ramses II, let's examine the options given and match them accordingly:

- Acquired territory: Ramses II is known for expanding the Egyptian empire through military campaigns and successfully gaining control over new territories.
- Established trading routes with Greeks: Ramses II is credited with establishing diplomatic and economic relations with various foreign powers, including the Greeks.
- Female pharaoh: Ramses II was not a female pharaoh. He was a male pharaoh who ruled Egypt for a long period.
- Famous literature: Ramses II did not specifically write famous literature himself, but his reign witnessed a flourishing of art, literature, and architecture in Egypt.
- Mini battles: Ramses II participated in numerous military campaigns and is considered one of the most successful military leaders in Egyptian history.

So, the accomplishments of Ramses II can be associated with "Acquired territory" and "Established trading routes with Greeks."