What is Sanskrit?

1 A Buddhist term for achieving enlightenment
2 An agent and language development by the Indo Aryans
3 an epic poem that teaches importance of Brahman
4 A major city From the Indus Valley civilization

I think it’s b

Why didn't you Google this term???

I did

I wanted to double check what I got out of the text it was very vague

OK, Yes, Sanskrit is a language.

The wording for 2 (B) doesn't make sense although it's not hard to figure out that this is correct.

What did you do? Ask Siri to type this out and then post it? These are the types of errors that occur in dictation as well as in text messages.

I wrote it out but it autocorrected it it says an ancient Indian language developed by the Indo-Aryans

Need for proofreading before posting, yes??


Sanskrit is the language that propounds and preserves the ancient knowledge and culture of the Indian subcontinent. It holds significant importance in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, acting as a vehicle for transmitting their sacred texts and philosophical ideas. To answer your question, the correct answer is option 2: Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-Aryan language that has been instrumental in the development of many languages in the Indian subcontinent.

If you were wondering how to find the answer, it is important to consult reliable sources such as books, academic articles, or reputable websites dedicated to studying languages, history, or spirituality. These sources will provide comprehensive information about Sanskrit, its origins, and its role in different religious and cultural systems.

In this case, referring to linguistic and historical references would have helped you find the answer. Sanskrit's importance and Indo-Aryan origins can be easily found in books and scholarly articles on linguistics, ancient Indian history, or religious studies.