A group of 20 tourists pay $160 to go on a swamp tour. If the cost per person stays the same, how much will the tour cost 30 tourists?

A $180
B $220
C $200
D $240

C $200

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

x/30 = 160/2

To find out how much the tour will cost for 30 tourists, we can use a proportion.

The cost for 20 tourists is $160, so we can set up the proportion:

20 tourists / $160 = 30 tourists / x

To find x, we can cross multiply:

20 * x = 30 * $160


20x = 4800

Dividing both sides by 20:

x = 240

Therefore, the tour will cost $240 for 30 tourists, so the answer is D) $240.

To find out how much the tour will cost for 30 tourists, we can use the concept of proportionality. We know that the cost per person remains the same.

First, let's determine the cost per person for the original group of 20 tourists. We divide the total cost of $160 by the number of tourists (20):

$160 / 20 = $8 per person

Now, we can use this information to find the cost for 30 tourists. We multiply the cost per person ($8) by the number of tourists (30):

$8 * 30 = $240

Therefore, the tour will cost $240 for 30 tourists.

So the correct answer is Option D: $240.