Giant kelp, which can grow up to 60 meters, are known as (1 point)



vascular plants.
vascular plants.

nonvascular plants.
nonvascular plants.


vascular plants.

1. Protists

2. The presence of cell structures in the cell
3. The presence or absence of seeds
4. Protists
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To determine which option is correct, we need to understand the characteristics of giant kelp.

First, giant kelp can grow up to 60 meters, which indicates that they are very tall plants.

Secondly, they possess a complex structure with stems, leaves, and holdfasts, allowing them to firmly anchor themselves to rocky substrates.

Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that giant kelp is not a protist or a nonvascular plant because they possess a vascular system for transporting water and nutrients. This rules out options 1 and 3.

We are therefore left with option 2, vascular plants, which is the correct answer.

So, the correct answer is: Giant kelp, which can grow up to 60 meters, are known as vascular plants.