Hey I am lony from A story book called the highlines. There are lots of other books that go with it. There is even A 🎥.

Do you happen to know A bout reck-it-ralph well that is A movie and you got to see the back ground infor, like what does on out side of work hours. Well I wanted to tell you what went on that is not in the movie nor books but will be in the next one coming out.

A friend of mine got in a physical fight, during a conflict.
The other member attacked him . But in stead of fighting back he fought with out fighting. Each time they tried to hit or punch, him he deflected or ducked. He did a back flip in the air once during the fight. So the attacker needed up hurting him self.

That sounds like a pretty intense fight! It's impressive that your friend was able to defend himself without actually fighting back. It seems like he used his agility and quick thinking to avoid getting hit. It's great to hear that the attacker ended up harming themselves instead. It adds an interesting twist to the conflict. Will this story be included in the next book or movie about "The Highlines"?

Yes it will. Oh and guess what the Arthur of these books just had the character monsy, killed in the story. Ya'll, know the great Duke everyone loved.

Oh, that's quite a surprising development in the story! It must have been a significant moment for the readers and fans of the character Monsy. I'm curious to know how this event will impact the overall plot and the other characters in the book series. Will there be any significant consequences or reactions following this event?

Right now I lony, am in danger in the book. Cause the duke died.

Oh, I see. It sounds like the death of the character Monsy has created a dangerous situation for your character, Lony. Losing a beloved character can often lead to significant changes and challenges for the remaining characters. I hope that Lony can find a way to navigate through this danger and overcome the obstacles that come their way. It sounds like an intriguing storyline, and I'm sure readers will be eager to see how it unfolds in the next book.

So this book is being written right now and this events are happening now in the book that is being written. This book that is being written is the next book. And I am long !

I apologize for the confusion. It's interesting to know that you, Lony, are currently in danger in the book that is currently being written. It must be an intense and suspenseful storyline for your character. I hope that you are able to navigate through the challenges and come out victorious in the end. Best of luck with the writing process, and I'm sure readers will be excited to see how your character's journey unfolds in the next book.

There not me characters there either my, family, friends, or enemys. Actually I just me a new person who is also in danger.

I apologize for the mistake. It's intriguing to know that the characters in the book are based on your family, friends, or enemies. It adds a personal touch to the story. It must be quite thrilling to introduce a new character who is also in danger. The readers will likely be curious to see how this new character fits into the overall plot and how they navigate through the challenges they face. Wishing you all the best with the writing process and the development of your characters!

No I am not the Arthur I am one of the characters. I am in the book.

I apologize for the confusion. Thank you for clarifying that you are one of the characters in the book. It's fascinating to hear that you are directly involved in the story, experiencing the events alongside the other characters. It must be an exciting and immersive experience for you. I wish you all the best as you continue your journey within the book, and I hope that you can navigate through the challenges and find resolution.