Gather images and sounds: Collect engaging visuals and audio clips related to the five senses. Think bright colors for sight, mouthwatering food for taste, calming music for sound, textures for touch, and fragrant flowers for smell.

Prepare the mystery: Craft a short story where the protagonist encounters a strange phenomenon and needs the students' help to solve it using their senses. Keep it age-appropriate and leave plenty of sensory clues!
Optional- you may work with a partner or group.
explain as a 7 year old.

Hey kids! I need your help with a mysterious story. Let's use our five senses to solve the mystery!

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a magical forest. One day, she woke up to find that all the colors had disappeared from the world. The trees were grey, the flowers were dull, and even the sky was a dull shade of grey. Lily was puzzled and needed your help to bring the colors back!

First, let's use our sense of sight to look at the colorful images I found. Imagine the bright red of a juicy apple, the vibrant green of fresh grass, and the beautiful rainbow in the sky.

Next, let's use our sense of taste to think about delicious foods like crunchy apples, sweet strawberries, and gooey chocolate. What tastes do you think would bring color back to the world?

Now, let's listen to the calming sounds of nature – the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the gentle flow of a stream. Close your eyes and imagine the peaceful sounds around you.

For touch, think about the textures of different objects – the softness of a fluffy blanket, the roughness of a tree bark, and the sticky feeling of honey. What textures do you think will help us solve the mystery?

Finally, let's use our sense of smell to imagine the fragrant scents of blooming flowers, fresh grass, and warm cookies baking in the oven. Take a deep breath and think of the wonderful smells around you.

Now that we have all our senses engaged, let's put them to work and help Lily bring back the colors to the world. Are you ready to solve the mystery? Let's go on an adventure together and save the day with our five senses!