Area is 3,6,3,3.

A home remodeling has chosen a tile pattern for floor how much styles needed to create the pattern?

In order to determine the number of styles needed to create the tile pattern for the floor, we need to consider the size of each tile and its placement in the area.

If the area is 3,6,3,3 in length and width, we need to first determine the size of the tile. Let's assume the tile size is 1x1.

We can break down the area into smaller sections to see how many styles are needed to create the pattern.

For a 3x6 area, we would need 18 tiles. If the pattern is alternating every 2 tiles, we would need 9 styles (of two different shapes or colors) to create the pattern.

For a 3x3 area, we would need 9 tiles. If the pattern is alternating every tile, we would need 2 styles (of two different shapes or colors) to create the pattern.

Therefore, to create the tile pattern for the entire 3,6,3,3 area, we would need a total of 11 styles.